ocr: AX MXE Eon Saach Yea Biae Bar Donponent QdabeN Ioo Hepr RP - DE : Adetiond WrssibaaiSmenl DelaAccen oesl Coranhtwea Quaife orsirnag eae aaa - D - : VERYD OX a - * à 181a0Modind. a - 5 Ses E Start Atncsos: pisal PoNTa Sainglossion epeche FSPKE Figure 1. If you want to use third-party components (such as OCXS or VEXS), you must register them with Delphi 50 they will appear on the palette for use inside of applications. The palette has a special panel for VBX and OCX controls, and Delphi automatically creates object wrappers for VBX and OCX controls to enable developers to use them as objects.